Friday, September 17, 2010

We're Back!

Hello everyone,
OK, it's been long enough and it's time to resurrect this blog.

With this writing I just want to say welcome back and get ready for another exciting year of robotics!

One thing I do want to mention is that TNT (the FRC off season event in Tampa) has been canceled so our focus will shift to Vex and getting our FRC prototype gearbox and chassis operational.

I'll post updates over the next week of what we've been working on since school started and what's coming up over the next couple of months so check back often.

And in case you didn't know, we're on Facebook under TechTiger Robotics.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Short Update

Good news - I found the camera! It was in my possesion all along.

I failed to mention in my previous post this years award winners:

Rookie All-Star - Joel Cosme

Unsung Hero - Victor Coto

MVP - Sean Magley

Enjoy the pics.

Victor Coto receives the Unsung Hero award

Sean Magley awarded the MVP

Joel Cosme selected as the Rookie All-Star

Saturday, May 22, 2010

After the Banquet

Hello everyone,
Our End-Of-Year banquet has come and gone so now it's time to start focusing on next year. I hope everyone had a good time sharing the evening with each other. By the way, if you know what happened to the camera I was using, please let me know. I would like to get the pictures and of course the camera.

If you have any thoughts/ideas for improving the EOY event, please post a comment.

Looking Forward:

Starting next Tuesday, 5/25 we'll be working with students on the design process which will include learning SolidWorks and Autodesk Inventor. David Guzman will be taking the lead on this with a swerve drive prototype being the end result.

We've been invited to participate in a robotics demo at the Museum of Discovery and Science the end of June. This is a great opportunity to show off our program to the community.

The students continue to work on our handbook which will include team organization, membership criteria and communications. There are other topics to be included but these are the big three. Look for a draft by the end of July.

I don't have any information on Mayhem yet and will pass it along as soon as I know something.

Tempest 'N Tampa (TNT) is scheduled for October 22 and 23 in the USF Sun Dome. That's always a fun trip but there is much to do on the robot before then.

Finally, I would like to have a parent meeting sometime in August to discuss the coming school year. I will contact everyone after school is out to set a date.

Have a great summer and stay safe.

Mr E

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Some Down Time

Although we're in stand down mode, there's still some things going on:

First, the students are hard at work establishing much needed policies, procedures and our mission statement. Topics they're working on include communications, organization, and membership criteria. The end result will be our first ever TechTiger team manual.

Second, there is some exciting news coming about a new sponsor. I won't divulge any details yet but this is big!

Third, the date is set - Thursday, 5/20, 6PM to 8PM, room 122 here on campus. What is it? Our 7Th annual End-Of-Year Banquet. All team members, sponsors, and supporters and their families are cordially invited. As in the past, team members are asked to bring their favorite dish to share. We will provide plastic ware and drinks.

We received some good press this last week. The story that was first published in The Forum (Coconut Creek, Margate local paper) was picked up by the Sun-Sentinel and appeared in last Sunday's (5/2/10) Community section. Check it out if you haven't already seen it.

Here are a couple of pictures from Atlanta:

Working out the bugs.

Waiting for our turn on the field.

Up and over the hump.

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Atlanta Debrief

Ok, we've been back a week so it's time for a recap.

Most who follow TechTiger Robotics pretty much know what happened in Atlanta. Here's a breakdown:

Background: David Guzman, our on field coach, couldn't join us until Friday. So that meant yours truly had to fill in.

First match was encouraging despite a 2 point loss on our side.

Second match started interestingly - in autonomous mode we ended driving on top of one of our alliance partners. Sean skillfully extracted us to the floor and off we went.

Our alliance partner in the far zone wasn't running.

One of the other field coachs directed us to go play defense. I wasn't thinking and before we knew it, we received a red card for 2 machines in the defensive zone. No points for us is the penalty.

Prior to the third match, the crew prepared to charge the pneumatics system. Robot controller indicates "No Robot Code". We literally jog round trip to the pits and back to retrieve the programming computer.

By the time we were attempting to download the code, our match was going on the field.

The field personnel gave us every second they could to get it done but it wasn't happening. Instead of placing the robot on the field (even if it didn't run) we left it off. Result, no qualifying points - my second big mistake.

David is in the house - Thank God!

There's no need to go into a match-by-match description but despite me putting him in a big hole and having some issues with the robot, David was able to make us look respectable.

Unfortunately we weren't consistant enough to grab the attention of one of the ranked teams. As a result, we watched the the eliminations from the stands.

Final Thoughts
Despite several obstacles, our kids hung in there and kept fighting. We had a meeting Thursday evening and reminded everyone of the importantance of teamwork. They responded and you should be as proud of them as I am.

We are already laying the foundation for next year and beyond. Look for details in the near future.

Last but certainly not least, I want to thank eveyone that contributed to our successes this year. We can't do it without you!

In your servce,
Mr. E

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Final Stretch

Well, we're down to one weekend and 2 days before our trip to The Championship. Rest assured we'll be working hard to put the final pieces in place to make a competitive showing.

The division lists are out and we're in Currie. Along with the us are two of the top teams that will be in Atlanta, 1114/Simbotics from Canada and 469/Las Guerrillas from Michigan. Can't wait to compete with/against them!

I will send the link to the webcast page as soon as it is available.

We're getting some good press. The Pompano Pelican did a story on us. The paper is out today.

The Forum also interviewed us and will have a story in it's next edition. Since they're a subsidiary of The Sun-Sentinel there's a chance it could end up in the Sunday Community news section.

Last but not least, the City of Coconut Creek will be running a video of us on their local access channel 78. We will be shooting footage in Atlanta so it will be a couple of weeks before it's out.

Back to work...

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Working on Autonomous

One element we must have in Atlanta to be successful is an autonomous program. Well, guess what, that's exactly what we've been working on.

Enrique Cosme has put together a nice routine that is effective at kicking the balls. Have a look.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Awesome Picture

Taken by Andrew Rudolph, a member of 1902.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Another Update

Here's another video of what we've been working on. I'm getting excited about our progress.

We did our demo last night at the Kiwanis Club of Wilton Manors. Kids did a great job demonstrating and explaining the robots capabilities.

Two weeks from today we'll be in Atlanta preparing for the big show. I will send out (and post here) the link for the webcast when it's available.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Quick Update

Hello everyone, We're making progress. I think you'll be impressed with what we've accomplished. Here's a short video for you.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Back To Work

After enjoying our win for a couple of days, it's back to work.

This past week there'e been alot of activity at the gym getting the practice robot back together. There's been a few snags but nothing we can't overcome.

Also, Ely High School has lent us their robot to practice with. We spent yesterday, (Saturday) working out the kinks on their machine. It is running and we'll be fine tuning the arm.

I think we've got a solution worked out for controlling the ball. Now it's a matter of getting it mounted on the robot when we get to Atlanta. There won't be much time to make mods up there. New this year, qualifying matches start Thursday afternoon vs. Friday morning.

UPDATE: I started what you see above about a week ago but got sidetracked. Sorry about that.

Rest assured everyone is still working hard to field a competitive robot at The Championship.

Last (for now) but not least, remember we are in fundraising mode. Talk to everyone you know, friends, relatives, friends of friends. We are doing a demo for the Wilton Manors Kiwanis Club on Wednesday in the hopes of snagging a nice donation.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The End Game!

Now that it's been a couple of days since our return and we've had time to digest what happend, I want to give you an overview of how our championship run played out.

My last post was a review of our first day at competition. It wasnt' great but we were hanging in there and looking forward to Saturday morning to showcase our capabilities. It wasn't our best effort but we were no worse for the wear. Going into the alliance selections, we were caustiously optomistice of our chances of being picked.

In the first round of selections, there was alot of pairing up amongst the top 8 i.e. 1 picked 2, 3 picked 5, 4 picked 6, and 7 picked 8. Because of this, the 9th through 12th seeded teams moved up into alliance picking slots.

Our best case scenario was to get selected during the second round by one of the top 3 alliances. And guess what, our good friends from Team 86, Team Resistance, sitting at number 3, had faith in us. The alliance of 86, 1612 and 1251 was set.

A quick history lesson: We played with The Ohmers (their nickname) in '06 and went to the semi-finals. We allied with them again in '07 and '08 and won Florida both times. I think this was an omen.

The strategy was to move as many balls as possible to our scoring zone while starving our opponents of balls. It worked to perfection as we breezed through the quarter-finals beating the Stranahan led alliance 11 to 5 and 4 to 2.

The semi's were a bit more interesting, after losing the first match, we took the next 2 and were in the finals.

Ah, The Finals. It's a great feeling to be sitting there, looking back at what we've gone through not only at the competition but since kickoff as well, and have the opportunity to compete for the title.

I suppose it's better to tie than lose, and that's the way our first finals match ended, a 5-5 tie. Still 2 games to go.

The second match again proved our scoring power as we took it 5 - 0. One more to go.

We know how to make it interesting. Although outscoring our opponents 10 - 3 in the match, penalties cost us 5 points making the final score 5 - 3. A little scare but a win non-the less.

Final Thoughts
Everyone knows it takes some luck to win a regional - maybe alot. But it also takes hard work, persistance, and faith in what you're doing.

Many people contributed to our success and made this possible - too many to name.

But, I would like to acknowledge one individual who believes in what we're doing and has provided untold resources from financial support to machining to material.

Of course I'm refering to Paul Fazio and Sonny's Enterprises. Without them, none of what we have accomplised would be possible. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

Now, on to The Championship!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Competition - First Day

We survived the first day of competition mostly unscathed. Everyone has hard worked very hard and it's paying off.

We got better as the day went on and I'm causously optimistic that we'll make a good showing today.

We hung twice, the kicker is working and the roller is operational. The last piece is autonmouns and with a little luck we'll have that today.

We have 3 matches this morning and it will be interesting. If we live up to our potential, TechTigers could be playing in the eliminations of the Florida Regional for the 6th straight year.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Still Working/First Day

Still Working
As I write this I am sitting in front of a projector screen watching the finals of the Kansas City Regional. It's too early to tell how well received Breakaway! will be. My guess is you'll see some high scoring in the later regionals as teams figure out the most effective strategy.

This past week has been a busy one as we work to get the practice robot up and running. We've made some changes to the kicker as early testing revealed a flaw.

Our temporary new home has been a God-send. As I mentioned in my last post, we've set up camp in an empty gym.

First Day
Well, I started the post above with every intention of finishing it but it was not to be. We've since packed up and are now sitting in Orlando and have wrapped up the first day.

It was a long day and everyone worked hard to the robot going. Unfortunately we didn't make it on the field but we're in pretty good shape.

There was an issue with some speed controlers. We had one flame out on us and discoverd 2 other bad ones. Good thing we found those now.

Tomorrow qualification play starts and we're in the third match. Keep your fingers crossed and I'll post an update tomorrow night.

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Robot Shipped!

Hello (I know I'm late again),
So much has happened since my last post. The robot shipped, we kind of found a new home, and we're busy getting the practice robot together.

Yes, last Tuesday at 3:03PM FedEx showed up to take the robot away. It was a bit hectic but she was secured in the crate, closed up and sent on her way. (notice my reference to the robot as "she" - I'm an old Navy guy).

After spending 3 weekends at Jonathan Parriera's house working in his garage, we've changed locations to an empty gym Mr. Cosme was able to procure for us. There's lots of room to work and drive the robot around! I want to thank Mr. and Mrs. Parriera for their hospitality as they went above and beyond the call of duty.

Our focus now is to get the practice robot fully assembled, test all systems, find the weak spots, make them better and find our drivers. If you'd like to come by for a peak, the address is 3000 W. Prospect Road, Fort Lauderdale. It's at the intersection of NW 31st Ave and Prospect Road, behind the 7-11.

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Home Stretch

I know I'm a few days late with this, but so much has been happening. The Wiz, Engineer's Week Open House at FAU, and of course the minor task of finishing a robot.

True to form we're behind schedule. Unfortunately, it's more so than in the past. The last couple of parts are being machined as I type this and will hopefully be ready today!? The robot ships Tuesday - I think it's going to be a long weekend.

We have a semi-finished render of what the bot will look like. I don't want to release it just yet but believe me it's a looker.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, TechTiger Robotics provided the technical support and created the character "The Wiz" for our drama club's production of The Wiz. I want to publicly recognize and thank Enrique Cosme, his wife Giesel, and students Matt Dixon and Victor Bassey for their work on this project.

Props to Jordan Pfost and Renata Oliveira-Castro for their work on the banner that won 2nd place at the FAU Engineer's Week Open House. Nice work girls!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Shifting Into High Gear

With the design concept complete and most of the CAD'ing done, parts are being made. But now it's time to get serious.

Saturday we spent 5+ hours at Sonny's machining and running the CNC. We've still got work to do but there is light at the end of the tunnel. The plan is to have the frame welded and start assembly next weekend.

Work in other areas continues as well. Under the guidance of Mr. Cosme, students laid out and wired the kitbot and have it running. The scouting team is busy putting together their data gathering tools. Soon, work will begin on rehabing the crate - ship day is just over 2 weeks away!

Here are a few pics from the week...

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Steady Progress

Here we are at the end of the third week and our focus has shifted from conceptualization and design to "Let's get the parts made!".

That's right. Fabrication has begun on designs that have been finalized. This includes the drive system gearbox, pulleys/belts, and part of the chassis.

Good news on the programming front. Mr. Cosme is working hard to upgrade our software capabilities with the encoders and other sensors giving us improved performance in this area.

Finally, once the robot is running, we'll be testing it at a gym where a full size field will be setup. More details to follow on this.

Here a few snapshots from the week...

Friday, January 22, 2010

Things Are Moving Along

Boy time flies when you're having fun. This week has been a whirlwind of activity - finalizing the design, CADing, ordering material, and changing the design.

Taking a second look at our strategy, we've decided that it's in our best interest to elevate without having someone suspend from us. Two factors played into our decision - time and complexity of the arm.

We also started assembling a few of the field pieces.

In addition to building a new robot, we're rehabing last seasons version for a demo at FAU during National Engineers Week.

And lastly, we've been asked to put together a mechanical "actor" to play The Wiz in the upcoming performance of the play with the same name.

Until next time...

Friday, January 15, 2010

The First Week

Everyone has been hard at work strategizing and prototyping. So far it looks like we'll be using some type of kicking device and attempting to hang from The Tower. The drive system will incorporate a tank tread design for optimal manuvering over the bumps and allowing us to maintain a low profile.

It's going to be a long weekend. We'll be working at Jonathan Parriera's home working out details and tweaking the kicker. In between, there's Town Crier delivery - have to keep the money flowing!

Here are a few pics from this week. Stay tuned...

Monday, January 11, 2010

Let's Get This Party Started!

Oh boy. As you can see, I didn't do a very good job of keeping up with this through the first semester. I won't give you any phony execuses, I just didn't get it done. I have resolved to change that.

Now that we know the challenge and we're in "The Season", I'll post here at least once a week to keep everyone updated on our progress.

To get started here are a few pictures from kickoff that was held at Sonny's location in Tamarac. There were several good ideas that came out of our brainstorming sessions and we're going to continue with that the first part of the week.

Stay tuned as we navigate our way through the maze that is FIRST...