Friday, November 30, 2012


Hello All!

If you look close you'll see some changes to this site.  You can now sign up for e-mail notifications when a new post is published - look on the right side of the page and enter your e-mail address.

Great news - David Guzman called and told me Sonnys has donated 2 pallets of Amor All Tire Foam for us to sell as a fundraiser!  Don't know the total number but David says it's "Alot".  Details to follow.

Note that I added another event - the Dawn to the Beach 5K Run/Walk.  For every person we get to register, we receive a $5 donation.  Click here to register.  When you get to the Participant Information page, be sure to choose "Atlantic Technical Center" in the "I am running/walking to support..." section.

Tomorrow (Saturday, 12/1) we're going down to McNicol Middle in Hollywood with a few students to help out with their Lego League event and do a demonstration.  I'll take pictures and post next week.

Until next time, here's a couple of pictures to enjoy!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

We're Back!

Ok ladies and gents, time to resurrect this thing. I'm going to make a conserted effort to post on here at least twice a week.

First order of business - Bowling Fundraiser on Sunday, 12/9 at Margate Brunswick Lanes on 441. We've reserved all the lanes so everyone needs to get out and sell those tickets. We will raffle off some nice prizes at a $1 a ticket. Pleae bring a new, unwrapped toy that will be donated to 4Kids.

Mark your calanders, kickoff is just around the corner. It is scheduled for Saturday, 1/5/13. Our team will meet at Sonny's, watch the webcast and break into groups to discuss strategy ideas. A continental breakfast and lunch will be served. Details to follow.

Resolution 5K - on Saturday, 12/29 at Birch State Park in Ft. Lauderdale, 7AM start time.  Student registration fee is only $10.  If you sign up and run I will credit your fundraising account $10.  Can you run faster than Mr. E?!?

Ok, that's it for now.  Until next time, here's a few pics to enjoy!