Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Here We Go Again!

It's that time of the year when everyone anticipates the start of school and along with that comes a new robotics season. I hope you are rested and ready to go. There will be much happening throughout the year.

First on the agenda is the start of our second annual Robotics Boot Camp. Today we had 11 freshman and 2 sophomores begin 3 days of fun and learning with the Vex Robotics Design kits. They will be exposed to basic mechanical, programming, and control concepts. There were 14 team veterans on hand to welcome the rookies and pass on their knowledge. A few pics of the days activities are posted below.

The next event on our plate is Mission Mayhem 2009 to be held on Saturday, 9/12, 8AM - 4PM. This year the TechTigers have taken the lead in organizing this annual off-season competition. If you haven't heard, Nova Southeastern University will host this year's version of Mayhem in the new Don Taft University Center Arena on their Davie Campus. In addition, there will be a sleep over Friday night in the arena for teams that wish to participate. We need many volunteers, so if you would like to help, visit the Mayhem website, click on the volunteer link at the top and complete the form.

Plans are in the works to hold a Vex tournament in South Florida, possibly in December. Information will be forthcoming in a few weeks.

Our goal is to post here at least once a week so be sure to check back often. And feel free to leave a comment if you are so inclined.