Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Day 23

Picture post.

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Time Left: 2 weeks, 5 days

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Day 21 and 22

These past few days have been very busy for the TechTigers. On Monday, we completed CNCing the wheels and started attaching the waffle-top treading. The initial mounting of the pneumatics system also began, with the pistons and compressor being marked for attachment to the robot.

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Today, Tuesday, we tapped all the wheels, mounted the final pneumatics to the robot and updated the Inventor file. [We are right on weight so far! :)]

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Be sure to check out the team website [link also on right], as it is now completed, with only a few adjustments left to be made. Good job, Techtigers!

Time Left: 2 weeks, 6 days

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Day 19 and 20

This weekend has been a very productive one for the TechTigers. The robot frame was welded at Sonny's and then brought back to school, where the wheels had been made on the CNC milling machine. The coming week will see the introduction of the electronics and arm to the robot frame.

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A wheel being created on the CNC.

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Part of Sonny's workshop area

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Welding the frame.

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Welding complete!

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A different perspective.

Video of the welded frame.

Time Left: 3 weeks, 2 days

Friday, January 26, 2007

Day 18

Today was an effective day for the TechTigers. The robot parts were taken to Sonny's to be welded afterschool today, with Dave and Koza there representing the team. Tomorrow's meeting will be sure to yield plenty of new information and results.

The paragraph below was found on the RoboTicks [FRC team 408]'s website. On behalf of team 1251, you guys are very welcome! :)

408 <3 1251
January 20th, 2007 4:27pm
As you may now, the 2007 FIRST season has started. Since kick-off, we have been having some problems with the programming (apparently, the 2007 code doesn't work with the 2005 compiler. Who would've thunk it?). But team 1251 has been helping us get it working. They have not only been generous towards us but towards other teams as well. We are very thankful for everything that they have done and their offer for the metal supply. We look forward for the great competition they will provide at UCF this March.

Time Left: 3 weeks, 4 days

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Day 17

Today was an interesting day for the TechTigers. The materials have arrived for the robot and have been cut to shape, waiting to be welded at Sonny's tomorrow. Be sure to check back for updates on our progress!

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Time Left: 3 weeks, 5 days

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Day 16

Another picture post.

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Checking out the animation - its quite shocking :)

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Running the gearbox.

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Painting the TechTiger onto the crate.

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TechTiger Booster Club has a meeting.

Time Left: 3 weeks, 6 days

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Day 15

A picture post.

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Design team meeting with Mr. Ellich

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Mr. Ellich looking at one of the videos the marketing team created.

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That will eventually be a robot...

The evolution of the Sonny's sign on the crate:

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Time Left: 4 weeks

Monday, January 22, 2007

Days 13 and 14

Today was a good day for the TechTigers. Work on the animation, crate, and video continued, as well as the finetuning of the gearbox prototype.

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Kenny machining a gearbox part.

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Finetuning the prototype gearbox.

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Drew browsing Chief Delphi.

Materials for the building of the robot are due in any day now, so the team is eagerly awaiting thier arrival. Plans for the UCF regional are well undwerway with field trip forms being due today.

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Sticker on the 2006 robot.

A good day for 1251.

Time Left: 4 weeks, 1 day

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Day 12

Today was a very productive day for the TechTigers. The meeting took place first at school, mainly in the machine shop, with a good number of team members and mentors there, as well as Dave and Mendez who came down for the weekend. The major accomplishment today was the assembly of our prototype gearbox.

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Working in the machine shop.

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Machining one of the gears.

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Assembling the gearbox.

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Below is a video of the completed prototype being tested.

Mr. Ellich says, "Quality isn't great but workable. All that is needed is some fine tuning and I think we have a winner!"

Good job, 1251!

Time Left: 4 weeks, 3 days

Friday, January 19, 2007

Day 11

Today was an interesting day for the TechTigers. The build team continued uodating the Autodesk Inventor model. The animation team has also continued working on the animation.

The Marketing team has been hard at work, working on the crate and pit designs, as well as brochures and giveaways for the team. They have also, as mentioned in a previous post, been editing all the video footage of the team from the past few events. The video below is from the 2006 Mayhem offseason competition at DeVry University. Its a time lapse of the field set-up.

Be sure to check back for more videos and other updates from team 1251!

Time Left: 4 weeks, 4 days

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Day 10

Today was a successful day for the TechTigers. The build team is currently waiting on the materials for the robot to arrive, but are working on creating the wrist prototype and finalizing exactly what will be done when the materials arrive.

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Retrieving the cart from Crystal Lake - talk about teamwork!

Today also happened to be ATC's Magnet Open House, where 8th graders from all over the county visited the school to find out about the school and its programs. The TechTigers played a large role in this, not only telling the future students about the team, but putting on demonstrations and showing exactly what a student of ATC can look forward to being involved in.

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Kyle preparing a BoBot for demonstration.

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The TechTigers Open House display.

All in all, it was a very good team-building day for team 1251.

Time Left: 4 weeks, 5 days

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Day 9

Today was a good day for the TechTigers. The build team continued modifying the Inventor files of the robot, as well as constructing the prototypes of the various parts of the arm and end effector. Work on the camera also continued, as kinks in the programming and the servo configurations were sorted out.

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The marketing team has been working on editing all the videos from previous events and competitions. Check back in the future for video posts.

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Marketing team.

Keep at it, TechTigers!

Time Left: 4 weeks, 6 days

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Day 8

Today was the first official work day of build week 2 for the TechTigers. The [as of now] final claw prototype has been developed, the current design incorporating both old and new ideas.

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As the robot design is basically finalized, the materials for its construction have been ordered and will be arriving in the near future. Until then, the design and build team have been working on updating the Inventor files to the newest robot design, as well as working out the robot build schedule for when the materials arrive.

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Phone conference with Dave about design changes.

The animation team has also been hard at work, developing the storyline and creating the animation in 3DS Max.

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The electrical and programming people have been getting the camera in working order, as well as helping out David Posnak [FRC team 1242] and Ely [FRC team 408] with thier camera problems.

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Jared and Warren from David Posnack work with Kyle on their camera.

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Mr. Pernas and Christian from Ely working with Mr. Ellich on their camera.

Keep up the good work, 1251!

Time Left: 5 weeks