Hello everyone,
Our End-Of-Year banquet has come and gone so now it's time to start focusing on next year. I hope everyone had a good time sharing the evening with each other. By the way, if you know what happened to the camera I was using, please let me know. I would like to get the pictures and of course the camera.
If you have any thoughts/ideas for improving the EOY event, please post a comment.
Looking Forward:Starting next Tuesday, 5/25 we'll be working with students on the design process which will include learning SolidWorks and Autodesk Inventor. David Guzman will be taking the lead on this with a swerve drive prototype being the end result.
We've been invited to participate in a robotics demo at the Museum of Discovery and Science the end of June. This is a great opportunity to show off our program to the community.
The students continue to work on our handbook which will include team organization, membership criteria and communications. There are other topics to be included but these are the big three. Look for a draft by the end of July.
I don't have any information on Mayhem yet and will pass it along as soon as I know something.
Tempest 'N Tampa (TNT) is scheduled for October 22 and 23 in the USF Sun Dome. That's always a fun trip but there is much to do on the robot before then.
Finally, I would like to have a parent meeting sometime in August to discuss the coming school year. I will contact everyone after school is out to set a date.
Have a great summer and stay safe.
Mr E