Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Day 50

Picture post.

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UCF: T -9 days

Monday, February 26, 2007

Day 48 and 49

Message from Mr. Ellich regarding the Coconut Business Expo:

TechTigers WOW the crowd
The TechTigers participated in the annual Coconut Creek Business Expo yesterday by showing off previous years robots. They played to a "packed" house and definitely generated excitement among the young in attendance. Thank you to those students that took the time to participate. Parents and supporters you can be proud that the students did indeed "Spread the Word" and were "Building the Community"!

Today, the TechTigers continued working on the practice robot and managed to get it running. The arm will be the next major part completed.

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Test driving the practice robot.

UCF: T -10 days

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Day 47

Today was a very successful day for the TechTigers. Today was the annual Coconut Creek Business Expo, which the TechTigers have been participating in for the past 3 years. The Expo showcases various businesses and organizations in the city of Coconut Creek, with over 6000 people attending. We had two scheduled shows in which we demonstrated our 2005 and 2006 robots and allowed the audience to participate by helping to toss balls into our 2006 robot. Afterwards, we answered the audiences' questions and allowed the kids to view the robots up close. All in all, it was an awesome experience and a very good day for team 1251.

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Booth 38 - The TechTigers

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The day's drivers: John, Kenny, and Phil

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We drew quite a crowd.

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2005 robot demonstrating the "Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese," our signature move.

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2006 robot dumping into the bottom of a goal.

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2005 vs. 2006

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Demonstrating for the audience.

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Randy handing out balls to the audience.

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Answering questions while a tetra gets capped.

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John explaining the controllers.

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A closer look for potential future FIRSTers.

UCF: T -12 days

Friday, February 23, 2007

Day 45 and 46

Yesterday and today were very busy for the TechTigers. The Chairman's Award and Woodie Flowers Awards were submitted yesterday. Its our first year submitting either, so we're really excited. This Saturday is the Coconut Creek Business Expo, where we will demonstrating our 2005 and 2006 robots. Over 6000+ people are expected, so we are very excited to have this oppurtunity to tell people about our team and FIRST. Be sure to check back tomorrow for pictures!

UCF: -13 days

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Day 44

Today was a good day for the TechTigers. The setting up of the practice robot continued, as did the rejuvination of the past years' robots. Planning for the demonstration at the Business Expo continued, as did the planning for the UCF trip. All in all, it was a calm day for 1251.

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UCF: T -15 days

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Ship Day

Today was Ship Day 2007. Our robot was picked up by FedEx around 2:30, packed up and safe within our new crate - pics to come. There was a team-wide melancholy aura, in that we're happy to see it go because we're that much closer to competition [our first regional, the Florida Regional at UCF, is two weeks from Thursday], but we're also done with the main building season, which is always a sad event.

Today we worked mainly on organizing the various bins, setting up the practice robot, and getting the past years' robots in working order for the Coconut Creek Business Expo this weekend. The practice robot should be up and running by the end of the week, allowing for driver training and practices to begin.

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The practice robot.

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Sorting out everything in the bins.

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2005 robot to the right

UCF: T -16 days

Monday, February 19, 2007

Day 42

Today was a very successful day for the TechTigers. We worked all day at Sonny's and many last minute changes were made, including replacing the wrist bracket with 1/4 inch aluminum, replacing the aluminum skid under the arm with ACM, added lexan to the back of the robot, and many other things. The final weight turned out to be 116 lbs. - a great relief for us after what happened to us last year (40+ lbs overweight the day before ship >.<). All in all, we're very happy with our robot, T21v4, and we're excited for the Florida Regional two weeks from now. Good luck to all the teams from 1251!

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Working out the robot

Time Left: 0 days

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Day 41

Below is some more pictures from the Swamp Thing [FRC team 179] Scrimmage that took place yesterday. Also, here is the link to a short video that was put together by a member of M.A.R.S [FRC team 1523] from the Scrimmage. Tomorrow will be a full day of working at Sonny's; we're looking forward to it.

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Time Left: 1 day (!!!)

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Day 40

Today was an enligntening day for the TechTigers. Our team attended the Swamp Thing [FRC team 179] Scrimmage in Riviera Beach today. Other teams in attendence were Swamp Thing, MARS [FRC team 1523], and Haze [FRC team 1889]. It went very well, with all teams functioning by the end of the day, and various kinks sorted out of everyones' respective robots. Check back for video clips from the scrimmage later this weekend. Ship deadline is Tuesday - talk about a fast 6 weeks :D Good job, 1251!

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Time Left: 2 days

Friday, February 16, 2007

Day 39

Today was an exceptional day for the TechTigers. The robot was run outside on the carpet with the rack assembled to quasi-simulate a game situation. The runs went well, with minor kinks worked out along the way. Tomorrow is the Swamp Thing [FRC team 179] Scrimmage in Riviera Beach. We greatly look forward to testing the robot on a real field setup, as well as seeing what other teams have been doing for the past 6 weeks. Check back tomorrow for updates about that event. Awesome, 1251!

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Working on the robot

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Teaching the controllers to the prospective drivers

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There she goes!

Video of the robot [Kenny base, Koza arm] placing two ringers.

Time Left: 3 days

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Day 38

Today was a constructive day for the TechTigers. Work was continued on the robot, the a piston being added to the arm for support and the drive system tested for any obvious issues. Below is a clip of one of the tests. Excellent job, 1251!

Video of one of the robot's runs.

Time Left: 4 days

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Day 37

Today was an excellent day for the TechTigers. The marketing team has been working very hard on compiling the videos from throughout the season, the crate team has been getting the crate together, and the website team has been working hard on the website. Today was also the Broward Counnty Science Fair setup, an event we TechTigers have been helping with for the past 4 years. Representatives from the Dillard SigmaCats [FRC team 108] were also there. It was a great experience that we intend to continue for many years to come.

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Darius and Daryle working on the website.

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At the science fair setup

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Confering with Mr. Ellich at the science fair setup

As for the robot: It is finished! All the parts for the robot are together and [for the most part] operational - now for the finetuning, troubleshooting, and practicing. More details to come in the following days. Good job, 1251!

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Isn't she a beauty? ^.^

Time Left: 5 days